Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

Everybody Dies.

Vicky died in a car crash 
Her long blond hair 
Instantly Titian 
Her freckled complexion 
Irreparably torn 
The rain drenched highway led to 
Freshman orientation but 
She missed her appointment. 

Lou Gehrigs claimed Ron 
Whose kind eyes cuddled 
Daughters, longing, and rocks 
In the end, our high school 
Running back required 
A wheelchair accessible van 
Packed with gadgets but 
That was before the feeding tube. 

Dad collapsed on the dance floor 
Swinging his Beloved 
From cuddle position 
He dipped then Timbered 
High cheekbones shattered into 
Shards on the polished, marble floor 
“Ob, what are you doing,” Mom cried. 
She did not mirror him. 

Row upon row of white headstones 
Cosmetically maintained 
Under a cerulean sky 
Withstand the Boreas wind 
We shoulder our caskets 
Release caged doves and 
Cling together as bagpipes 
Wail Amazing Grace. 

Barbara Steinhauser